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Interacting with Frame Processors

Interacting with Frame Processors​

Access JS values​

Since Frame Processors run in Worklets, you can directly use JS values such as React state which are readonly-copied into the Frame Processor:

// User can look for specific objects
const targetObject = 'banana'

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
const objects = detectObjects(frame)
const bananas = objects.filter((o) => o.type === targetObject)
console.log(`Detected ${bananas} bananas!`)

Shared Values​

You can also easily read from, and assign to Shared Values, which can be written to from inside a Frame Processor and read from any other context (either React JS, Skia, or Reanimated):

const bananas = useSharedValue([])

// Detect Bananas in Frame Processor
const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
const objects = detectObjects(frame)
bananas.value = objects.filter((o) => o.type === 'banana')

// Draw bananas in a Skia Canvas
const onDraw = useDrawCallback((canvas) => {
for (const banana of bananas.value) {
const rect = Skia.XYWHRect(banana.x,
const paint = Skia.Paint()
frame.drawRect(rect, paint)

Call functions​

And you can also call back to the React-JS thread by using createRunOnJS(...):

const onFaceDetected = Worklets.createRunOnJS((face: Face) => {
navigation.push("FiltersPage", { face: face })

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
const faces = scanFaces(frame)
if (faces.length > 0) {


By default, Frame Processors run synchronously in the Camera pipeline. A Frame Processor has to finish executing before the next Frame arrives, otherwise the new Frame will be dropped. For example, if your Camera is running at 30 FPS, your Frame Processor has 33ms to finish executing before the next Frame arrives. At 60 FPS, you only have 16ms.

Running asynchronously​

For longer running processing, you can use runAsync(..) to run code asynchronously on a different Thread. Only one runAsync(..) call will execute at the same time, so runAsync(..) is not parallel, but asynchronous.

For example, if your Camera is running at 60 FPS (16ms per frame), and a heavy ML face detection Frame Processor Plugin takes 500ms to execute, you can call the plugin inside runAsync(..) to allow the Camera to still run at 60 FPS, but offload the heavy ML face detection plugin to the asynchronous context, where it will run at 2 FPS.

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
console.log("I'm running synchronously at 60 FPS!")

runAsync(frame, () => {
console.log("I'm running asynchronously, possibly at a lower FPS rate!")
const faces = detectFaces(frame)

Running at a throttled FPS rate​

Some Frame Processor Plugins don't need to run on every Frame, for example a Frame Processor that detects the brightness in a Frame only needs to run twice per second. You can achieve this by using runAtTargetFps(..):

const frameProcessor = useFrameProcessor((frame) => {
console.log("I'm running synchronously at 60 FPS!")

runAtTargetFps(2, () => {
console.log("I'm running synchronously at 2 FPS!")
const brightness = detectBrightness(frame)

🚀 Next section: Zooming (or creating a Frame Processor Plugin)​